Today's day of learning is sponsored by Anonymous

Parsha: Meaningful Musings

July 8, 2024 Korach 5784 - Rav Lachem: Continuing to Fight

June 18, 2024 Bamidbar 5784 - Put the Big Rocks in First

June 18, 2024 Naso 5784 - The Elevated Life

March 12, 2024 Bo 5784 - Growing Each Day

March 12, 2024 Yisro 5784 - Heroes in the Shadows

January 17, 2024 Va'Eira 5784 - Refusing the Look Away

January 16, 2024 Shemos 5784 - Learning to Lead

January 15, 2024 Vayechi 5784 - Strength in Numbers

December 17, 2023 Miketz 5784 - Like Dreamers

December 15, 2023 Vayeshev-Chanukah 5784 - What We Think Is Small, Is Really Quite Big

November 26, 2023 Toldos 5784 - Knowing Who We Are

November 26, 2023 Vayetzei 5784 - One Step at a Time

November 13, 2023 Chayei Sarah 5784 - The Power of One

October 31, 2023 Breishis 5784 - Be a Beis

October 31, 2023 Noach 5784 - Hashem Oz L'Amo Yitein (Hashem gives His people strength)

October 31, 2023 Lech Lecha 5784 - Changing Ourselves, Elevating Ourselves

August 7, 2023 Ekev 5783 - Birkas HaMazon - The Simple Gift of Perspective

July 23, 2023 Devarim-Chazon 5783 - Be the Change You Wish to See in the World

July 3, 2023 Chukas-Balak 5783 - Feeding the Good Wolf

June 27, 2023 Korach 5783 - Appreciating the Value of Each Individual…As They Are

June 13, 2023 Behaalosecha 5783 - Finding the Why

June 8, 2023 Naso 5783 - The Risk-Taker vs. The Risk-Averse

May 31, 2023 Bamidbar 5783 - Finding Our Place in Torah

May 30, 2023 Shemini 5783 - Building & Destroying...And Building Again

May 30, 2023 Emor 5783 - Don’t Ask “What Do I Need?” Ask “What am I needed for?”

May 30, 2023 Behar-Bechukosai 5783 - Covenantal vs. Consumer Relationships

March 29, 2023 Vayikra 5783 - The Sweet Smell...of Every Jew

March 20, 2023 Vayakhel-Pekudei 5783 - When We Return Home

March 10, 2023 Mishpatim 5783 - Helping Others, Unburdening Ourselves

March 10, 2023 Terumah 5783 - Lighting the Fire Inside to Keep our Walls Strong

March 10, 2023 Tetzaveh-Purim 5783 - Standing Proud & Never Forgetting Who You Are

February 13, 2023 Beshalach 5783 - The Generational Battle Against Amalek

January 29, 2023 Bo 5783 - Being Proud to Make a Kiddush Hashem

January 24, 2023 Va'eira 5783 - Always Preserving the Dignity of Others

January 8, 2023 Miketz 5783 - Allowing Our Children to Find Their Own Way

January 8, 2023 Vayigash 5783 - Looking Out for Others: A Way of Life

January 8, 2023 Vayechi 5783 - Knowing My Way Isn't the Only Way

December 27, 2022 Vayishlach 5783: Katonti - Feeling Small, to Give Rise to Something Big

December 27, 2022 Vayeshev 5783: He's Reaching Out, Even When He Seems Far Away

November 28, 2022 Toldos 5783 - Real Emunah: Believing you can always come back

November 22, 2022 Chayei Sarah 5783 - Chesed Starts at Home

November 18, 2022 Vayeira 5783 - There is No Such Thing as a Failed Tefillah

November 9, 2022 Breishis 5783 - New Beginnings

November 9, 2022 Lech Lecha 5783 - Know Your Name

September 28, 2022 Nitzavim 5782 - The Freedom That Comes From Balance

September 12, 2022 Ki Teitzei 5782 - Long-Term Memory

September 12, 2022 Shoftim 5782 - Being a Proactive Baal Chesed

September 12, 2022 Ekev 5782 - Choose to see the good, and it will reflect back at you

August 16, 2022 Devarim 5782 - Mourning & Afternoon: The Dual Nature of Tisha B'Av

August 16, 2022 Va'Eschanan 5782 - Nachamu: Changing Our Perspective, Together

August 1, 2022 Matos-Masei 5782: Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

July 25, 2022 Pinchas 5782 - The Quiet, Consistent Life

July 6, 2022 Korach 5782 - The Commonsense Rebellion

June 27, 2022 Shlach 5782 - Ger V'Toshav: Remembering Where Our Values Come From

June 21, 2022 Behaalosecha 5782 - Don’t Get Stuck in the Now…Get to Work on What’s Next!

June 9, 2022 Bamidbar 5782 - A Torah Given in the Desert is a Torah for Us All

May 30, 2022 Bechukosai 5782 - Our Greatest Bracha is the Ability to Appreciate the Brachos in Our Lives

May 25, 2022 Behar 5782 - Be a Glue Guy

May 19, 2022 Emor 5782 - Taking The Mikdash With Us Wherever We Go

May 3, 2022 Acharei Mos 5782 - To Remember To Act

April 4, 2022 Tazria 5782 - Listening to Our Messages

March 28, 2022 Shemini 5782 - Confronting Sexual Abuse in the Jewish Community

March 23, 2022 Tzav/Shushan Purim 5782 - Experiencing the Present with Our Eyes on the Future

March 7, 2022 Pekudei 5782 - Always Be Willing to Journey On

February 23, 2022 Ki Tisa 5782 - What Makes Us Count?

February 7, 2022 Terumah 5782 - Taking Our Broken Pieces With Us

February 1, 2022 Mishpatim 5782 - Avoiding Groupthink - In Sanhedrin & In Our Lives

January 16, 2022 Beshalach 5782 - An Anonymous Kiddush Hashem & Our Ability To Do The Extraordinary

January 11, 2022 Bo 5782 - Are You Going or Are You Coming?

January 1, 2022 Va'eira 5782 - Uncovering Our Hearts

December 28, 2021 Shemos 5782 - Being A "Sar Liros" - Someone Who is Willing to Really See Others

December 21, 2021 Vayechi 5782 - Start Doing Good and You Might Find Out You're Better Than You Think

December 14, 2021 Vayigash 5782 - Turning Towards

December 7, 2021 Chanukah 5782 - Jewish Pride Begins at Home

November 30, 2021 Vayeshev 5782 - The Importance of Questions

November 23, 2021 Vayishlach 5782 - Let It Go

November 8, 2021 Toldos 5782 - Yitzchak, Esav, and a Baseball Game with My Dad

October 25, 2021 Vayera 5782 - Lot's Ambivalence and the Importance of Knowing Ourselves

October 20, 2021 Lech Lecha 5782 - Because We're Different, We're Ivrim

October 12, 2021 Breishis 5782 - Knowing that Very Good…Is Also Good